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Aortic Stenosis - Severe #1 | Lessons with Audio and Video | #7

This is a simulation of Aortic Stenosis - Severe taken at the second right intercostal space.
  • S1 is normal.
  • S2P is increased suggesting an elevated left sided filling pressure.
  • An S4 gallop indicates the presence of a non-compliant left ventricle.
A late peaking, diamond-shaped, systolic murmur is present. The EKG shows evidence of LVH. Look at the cardiac animation. It shows left ventricular hypertrophy and a thickened and minimally mobile aortic valve. Note the Doppler-plume, which represents systolic turbulent flow across a stenotic aortic valve.

Auscultation Sounds

auscultation sound from lesson

Patient Recording

patient heart or lung sound
Aortic Stenosis - Severe #1

Patient Recording - Half Speed

patient heart or lung sound
Aortic Stenosis - Severe #1


Patient position
The patient's position should be seated.

Listening Tips

Systole:Crescendo-decrescendo, harsh, late peaking murmur
Diastole:S4 gallop

Waveform (Phonocardiogram)

Observe Cardiac Animation

Observe the cardiac animation showing left ventricular hypertrophy and a thickened and minimally mobile aortic valve. Note the <b>Doppler-plume</b>, which represents systolic turbulent flow across a stenotic aortic valve.
Authors and Sources

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Aortic Stenosis - Severe #1 | Lessons with Audio and Video | #7
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