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Vesicular - Diminished | Lessons with Audio and Video | #135

Diminished vesicular sounds are of lower intensity and are less full or robust than vesicular sounds. These sounds can occur in patients who move a lowered volume of air, such as in frail, elderly patients or shallow breathing patients. They are also heard with obese or highly muscular patients, where tissue mass impedes sound. They exhibit a normal inspiration to expiration ratio of 3 to 1, or 4 to 1.

Auscultation Sounds

auscultation sound from lesson

Patient Recording

patient heart or lung sound
Vesicular - Diminished

Patient Recording - Half Speed

patient heart or lung sound
Vesicular - Diminished


Patient position
The patient's position should be sitting.

Listening Tips

Features:Lower intensity than bronchial sounds, normal inspiration to expiration ratio of 3 to 1 or 4 to 1

Waveform (Phonocardiogram)

Authors and Sources

Authors and Reviewers


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Vesicular - Diminished | Lessons with Audio and Video | #135
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