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Vesicular - Normal | Lessons with Audio and Video | #74

Vesicular breath sounds are soft and low-pitched with a rustling quality during inspiration and are even softer during expiration. These are the most commonly auscultated breath sounds, normally heard over most of the lung surface. They have an inspiration/expiratory ratio of 3 to 1 or I:E of 3:1.

Auscultation Sounds

auscultation sound from lesson

Patient Recording

patient heart or lung sound
Vesicular - Normal

Patient Recording - Half Speed

patient heart or lung sound
Vesicular - Normal


Patient position
The patient's position should be seated.

Listening Tips

Features:Vesicular breath sounds are soft and low-pitched with a rustling quality during inspiration and even softer during expiration. Inspiration to expiration ratio of 3:1 or 4:1

Waveform (Phonocardiogram)

Authors and Sources

Authors and Reviewers


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