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Medical Word Parts For: f

Word PartDefinition
-facientto cause
factitious disorderConditions in which a person deliberately and consciously acts as if he or she has a physical or mental illness when he or she is not really sick. Known as Munchausen Syndrome.
fallopian tubesA pair of highly specialized muscular canals that conduct the ovum from the ovary to the uterus.
fasci/ofascia (layer of fibrous tissue)
fasciaLayers of connective tissue enveloping, separating, or binding together muscles, organs, and other soft structures of the body.
fasciitisInflammation of the fascia, which is the connective tissue surrounding muscles, blood vessels and nerves.
fastigium The period of greatest intensity
fatA substance that stores energy in the body and serves as an insulating material. One of the three primary constituents of food.
fatigueTiredness following mental or physical exertion.
FBSfasting blood sugar
FDA(U.S.) Food and Drug Administration
febriculaMild or short-lived.
fecesExcrement from the intestines, containing unabsorbed solids, waste products, secretions, and bacteria.
FEFforced expiratory flow
felineBelonging or pertaining to the cat family
femininityFemale-associated sex-specific social roles and behaviors unrelated to biologic function.
femor/ofemoral (thigh bone)
femoralPertaining to the thigh or femur.
femurThe longest and largest bone of the skeleton, it is situated between the hip and the knee.
fenestraA small opening or transparent spot.
fertilizationThe fusion of a spermatozoon with an ovum thus resulting in the formation of a zygote.
fetalOf, pertaining to, or having the character of a fetus.
fetusThe embryo of a mammal in the later stages of development
FEVforced expiratory volume
feverAn abnormal elevation of body temperature, usually as a result of a pathologic process.
FFPfresh frozen plasma
FHRfetal heart rate
FHTfamily history
fibrillationA rapid twitching of muscle fibers, particularly of the heart, caused by the abnormal electrical impulses.
fibrinAn insoluble protein end product of blood coagulation, formed from fibrinogen by the action of thrombin.
fibrinogenA blood plasma protein produced by the liver. It is one of many coagulation factors responsible for normal blood clotting.
fibroadenomaBenign tumors composed of stromal and epithelial tissue.
fibrocystic breast diseaseA painful, lumpy breast disease.
fibroidA benign tumor containing fibrous tissue, particularly in the uterus.
fibromaA benign tumor consisting of fibrous tissue.
fibromyalgiaA common, chronic disorder characterized by widespread pain, diffuse tenderness, chronic fatigue, and other symptoms.
fibrosarcomaA form of malignant tumor derived from fibrous connective tissue
fibrosisAny pathological condition where fibrous connective tissue invades any organ, usually as a consequence of inflammation or other injury.
FISHfluorescence in situ hybridization
fissureA slit, cleft or deep furrow; a small tear.
fistulaAn abnormal connection between two body parts.
fl ozfluid ounce
flatulenceProduction of gas in the gastrointestinal tract which may be expelled through the anus.
flexionThe act of bending a limb or the position that a limb assumes after it is bent.
flexorAny muscle that causes a limb to bend.
floaterA speck or string that appears to be drifting across the eye just outside the line of vision.
fluctuation A wavelike motion. A variation.
fluor/ofluorine, fluoride
fluorescein angiographyAn eye test that uses a special dye and camera to look at blood flow in the retina and choroid.
fluorescenceThe property of emitting radiation while being irradiated.
fluoridationPractice of adding fluoride to water for the purpose of preventing tooth decay and cavities.
flushA transient reddening of the face. A blush.
focusThe point at which rays of line converge after passing through a lens.
follicleA small secreting gland, sac or cavity.
follicle-stimulating hormoneA hormone released by the pituitary gland. It regulates the development, maturation and reproductive processes of the body.
follicul/ofollicle (small cavity)
folliculitisAn infection in the hair follicles.
footThe distal extremity of the leg, consisting of the tarsus, metatarsus, phalanges and the soft tissues surrounding the bones.
forcepsAn instrument for compressing or grasping tissues.
fore-before, in front
forearmPart of the arm in humans extending from the elbow to the wrist.
foreheadThe part of the face above the eyes.
-formform, shape of
formicationA strange sensation of ants crawling on the skin.
formularyA list of pharmaceutical substances along with their formulas, uses, and methods of preparation. Also, an official list of drugs approved for prescription or administration to patients of a hospital or health maintenance organization
fourier analysisUse of the Fourier transform, a mathematical technique for describing fluctuating patterns in the physical world in terms of frequencies.
FPfamily practice
fractalsPatterns (real or mathematical) which look similar at different scales.
freeze dryingMethod of preparing a tissue specimen by freezing and then dehydrating in a high vacuum.
FROMfull range of motion
frontal boneThe bone that forms the frontal aspect of the skull.
frontal coronal planeSeparates the body's anterior and posterior
frontal lobeThe part of the cerebral hemisphere anterior to the central sulcus, and anterior and superior to the lateral sulcus.
FSHfollicle-stimulating hormone
FTNDfull term normal delivery
FTTfailure to thrive
fundusThe base of an organ.
fungicideAn agent that kills or inhibits the growth of fungi.
FUOfever of unknown origin
furunclesA boil, which are bacterial or fungal infections of hair follicles.
fusionThe merging of adjacent parts.
FVCforced vital capacity

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