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Medical Word Parts For: q

Word PartDefinition
qrs complexA segment of an EKG tracing representing ventricular depolarization.
quackeryThe fraudulent misrepresentation of the diagnosis and treatment of disease.
quadriceps muscleThe quadriceps femoris. A collective name of the four-headed skeletal muscle of the thigh.
quadriplegiaParalysis that results in the partial or total loss of use of all four limbs and torso.
quantum theoryThe theoretical basis of modern physics that explains the nature and behavior of matter and energy on the atomic and subatomic level.
quarantineThe isolation of individuals who have been exposed to an infectious disease in order to prevent its spread.
quasivirtual, resembling
quickeningMovements of the fetus felt by the mother, usually after the first 16 weeks of pregnancy.
quinineAn drug derived from the bark of the cinchona tree, used as an antimalarial drug.

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